How to play Guild Party

Guild Party Rules

 This game is solo, co-op, and simultaneous turn! So you don't have to wait on each other if you play with others. Make your moves until the next phase!

This game is also a strategy board game! It's an engine building/resource management/simulation game. You have to correctly manage your cards and maximize your member's abilities to beat the quests!

Game Setup

What the symbols mean!

Recommended set up for tabletopia!


Another in real life set up: 3 cube on the ACTION card, 1 cube on the EXPERIENCE card, 1 cube on the MONSTER PHASE card

Round structure

The game consists of up to 13 rounds. Each round consists of the

1) action phase

2) then quest phase

3) finally the monster phase.

After the Monster phase, each player discards cards from their hand until they have no more than 6 cards in hand. Each player readies all exhausted adventurers (so they’re no longer sideways) and moves their player cubes off of their action card. The round ends and the next round’s action phase begins.

Action Phase

In this phase, each player will choose an action and take that action, then choose and take a second action, then choose and take a third action.

To select an action, place a player cube from next to your action card onto your action card in the part of the card that indicates that action.

To take an action, do as follows:

  • Scout: Draw 2 cards from the adventurer deck if this is the first time you've performed this action this round.  These recruits go on your hand and into a WAITLIST, they are not members of your guild yet, Draw only 1 card if you do this action again.
  • Onboard: Put any number of adventurers from your hand into play by paying their cost in silver. They join your guild! Yay! You can have any amount of members join your guild.
  • Contract: Exhaust any number of your ready adventurers, not from your hand, already in your guild (turn them sideways). Gain 1 silver for each adventurer exhausted this way. 
  • Sell: Discard any number of cards from your hand. Gain 1 silver for each card discarded this way.
  • Trade: Discard any number of cards from your hand. Draw 1 card from the adventurer deck for each card discarded this way.
  • Regroup: Do nothing. In the quest phase this round, you can form an additional party. If you regroup once, you get 1 extra party.
    If you regroup twice, you get 2 extra parties. If you regroup 3 times, you 3 extra parties. These parties don't need to have your GM. By default, if you do not regroup, the parties REQUIRE A GM

Finish each action before starting the next action. For example, if you select onboard then contract then onboard, you can play 1 adventurer, exhaust it for 1 silver, then play another adventurer with the silver you just gained. You could not do this if you had only taken the onboard action a single time.

Members have abilities that benefit and buff a certain phase

Some cards have abilities that occur at a certain time. Each of these abilities can only be used once each round. For example, if you have Maple the Builder who reads “Onboard: +1 silver after you onboard another hunter”, and you take onboard as your first action and play 2 hunters, you will gain only 1 silver from Maple’s ability. If you select onboard again in the same round, you will not be able to use Maple’s ability a second time.

Awesome! You managed your guild! It's now time to go and quest!

Quest Phase

Let's go on an adventure! The member's points add up to beat the monster above! The 4th ability is damage protection, only healers and tanks can damage protect!

Monster Str/Int/Dex/Damage < Your Party's Str/Int/Dex/Damage Protection
Damage protection is Armor AND Healing. You might need a tank or healer for almost every quest!

The Monsters have a number on the red blood drop and that is how much damage the monsters do, you need to beat the total amount of points to win! Some quests also need special abilities that some members have.

What can guild members do?

If they are in your hand, they are in a waitlist and not in your guild yet! You can TRADE, SELL, and ONBOARD the cards. Think of it like you are selling potential leads to other guilds!

If they are already onboarded and in your guild, they can do NOTHING, QUEST, CONTRACT

You need to pay 1 silver for every member that goes on a quest (except your GM, GM is free!) There are some members that quest for free and if you don't want it to quest, they can just do NOTHING for that round.

Assign each party to a quest. To complete a quest, the party’s total STR must be at least as much as the quest’s STR requirement. The same is true for INT and AGI. The party’s total tanking plus healing must be at least as much as the quest’s DMG. Some quests may have additional requirements written on the card.

Then comes the MONSTER PHASE

Monster Phase

Three types of Monsters: Blue = Common, Purple = Rare, Red = Legendary

In a solo game, deal 3 common quests, 2 rare quests, and 1 legendary quest face-up.

In a 2-player game, deal 5 common quests, 3 rare quests, and 2 legendary quests instead.

In a 3-player game, deal 7 common quests, 5 rare quests, and 3 legendary quests instead.

How to lose: 

In a solo game, if there are 15 quests in play, the player loses.

In a 2-player game, if there are 20 quests in play, the players lose.

In a 3-player game, if there are 25 quests in play, the players lose.

You also lose if you reach ROUND 13 in MONSTER SPAWN
Every round, you go down and more monsters get added

Pick each made depending on the difficulty you want! 1 is easiest, 10 is hardest
It's also balanced to the amount of players that get added!

What it means:

1) Draw a Purple (Rare)
2) Draw 2 Blues (Common)
3) Drawn 1 Orange (Legendary)
4) For ever 2 Blue you have on the board, draw a Blue, so if you have 4 Blues on the board, you draw 2 Blues, if you have 6 Blues on the board, you draw 3. (The monsters get harder and they multiply!)
5) Draw a Rare
6) For every play that is playing, draw a Common (1p draws 1 blue, 2 player draws 2 blue)

7) For every 2 Rares, add 1 Orange
8) For every 1 Common, add 1 common (they multiply!)
9) For every 1 Legendary, add 1 Rare
10) For every player, add a Common
11) Discard EVERY common, draw a Rare (Chaos)
12) Discard EVERY Rare, Turn it into a Legendary (Even more chaos)
13) DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, each player discards cards from their hand until they have no more than 6 cards in hand. Each player readies all exhausted adventurers (so they’re no longer sideways) and moves their player cubes off of their action card. The round ends and the next round’s action phase begins.

Extra info on symbols!

Defeating Quests:

Some quests have beneficial abilities. If you complete such a quest, keep it. You can use the ability in future rounds.(Yay! Loot!!!!) It does not count as a quest in play for the purposes of the monster phase. If you complete a quest that does not have a beneficial effect, discard it.

Guild Master Experience

Example of them starting out, as you gain experience, you level up!!

Flip it around to level up!!

If your GM’s party succeeds at their quest, the GM gains EXP equal to the EXP listed on the quest card. When a GM reaches 7 EXP, it levels up! Flip it over to the stronger side. When your first GM reaches 14 EXP, deal 2 random GMs from the GM deck, pick one, and put it into play. Return the other to the GM deck. Your new GM starts with 0 EXP and the weaker side facing up. Use the GM EXP card to track the EXP of your GMs!

Multiple players can assign parties to the same quest. If players complete a quest this way, they choose among themselves which present GM receives the EXP for the quest. If the quest card has a beneficial ability, they choose among themselves which player gets to keep the quest card.

How to win:

1) Defeat all the quests on the board!! Try to win as early as possible! Round 11 and 12 has an enrage timer(Pure chaos!!!)

Other rules

If the text on a card contradicts the text in this rulebook, the text of the card takes precedence. (example, it costs 1 silver for a card to go to a quest but if the card says it quest for free, then it quests for free)

If a game action requires you to draw from any deck a number of cards greater than the cards remaining, draw all remaining cards, then shuffle the discard pile to form a new deck, then draw the rest of the cards for that game action from the new deck.

To exhaust a card, turn it sideways. A card that is sideways is exhausted. A card that is not exhausted is ready.

Players can generally act simultaneously, but it’s helpful to agree on a plan together.

Thanks so much for playing Guild Party!!!
Here's a discord for support, chat, and play!